Marco Dolfi

After my basic education in elementary and middle school, I attended the "A. Meucci" I.T.I.S. in Florence, where I graduated with a grade of 45/60.
I then studied in the Architecture Department of the University of Florence, where I graduated with a grade of 110/110 cum laude.

At present, I teach Technology and Design in the two-year program of the " Ferraris-Brunelleschi" I.I.S. in Empoli.
I started teaching Technical Drawing in 1984 in the "S. Fedi" I.T.I.S. in Pistoia. From there, I transferred to Empoli in 1992. Since 1996, I have no longer been teaching Technical Drawing but Technology and Design.
Before I began teaching, I spent several years working as a graphic designer, illustrator, and photographer, and I still do this kind of work occasionally.
I've been also teaching photography in an evening class at a high school and in a private school; since the school year 2000/2001 I’m am also teaching Theory of colour photography and use of Photoshop at Fondazione Studio Marangoni, in Florence.
Since 1994, I have developed an interest in computer as well, and I use it both for graphics (layout and posters) and for photos (creation and re-working of images).
More recently, I have become interested in the Internet and in Html programming.